
學校EMI資源 (EMI Resources)


  • EMI中心每學期末定期舉辦EMI師培至少各一次。
  • 培訓課程與教育部認證機構或資源中心合作。
  • 全程出席並完訓之教師可獲得EMI師培證書。
  • EMI中心每學年彙整完訓之師培教師名單核發獎勵金。

EMI Teacher Training Session

The EMI Center conducts a minimum of one EMI teacher training session at the conclusion of each semester. These training courses are organized in partnership with institutions or resource centers accredited by the Ministry of Education. Educators who participate in the entirety of the training and fulfill all requirements will be awarded an EMI Teacher Training Certificate. The EMI Center maintains a comprehensive record of teachers who have successfully completed the training each academic year and subsequently distributes the appropriate incentives.
