

Q: 雙語教學推動資源中心的任務是什麼? What is the mission of the EMI Center?
A: 本校為配合推動2030雙語國家政策,提升學生英語能力與加強國際化,推動校內英語授課、強化教師英語授課技巧、提供學生學習輔導等業務,設置「中山醫學大學雙語教學推動資源中心」。請參考中心簡介: https://emi.csmu.edu.tw/p/412-1057-4148.php?Lang=zh-tw

In order to support the goals of the 2030 Bilingual Nation Policy, improve students' English skills, and boost internationalization efforts, our school has created the "Chung Shan Medical University EMI Center." This center is dedicated to advancing English-language courses, improving teachers' English instruction abilities, and offering students additional learning resources. For more information about the center, please see the introduction below: https://emi.csmu.edu.tw/p/412-1057-4148.php?Lang=zh-tw

Q: 什麼是EMI課程? 其定義為何? What is an EMI course? What is its definition?
A: EMI(English as a Medium of Instruction 全英語授課)係指在英語非母語的教育機構(non-English speaking institutions)提供的學習課程,其內容的傳遞、師生互動、學習及學術支持教材、學習成果展示與評量100%使用英語。詳細原則請參考: https://emi.csmu.edu.tw/p/412-1057-4153.php?Lang=zh-tw

EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) involves educational programs provided at institutions where English is not the primary language of instruction. In these programs, all aspects of teaching and learning, including content delivery, teacher-student interactions, materials, and assessments, are conducted entirely in English. For more information on the specific guidelines, please see: https://emi.csmu.edu.tw/p/412-1057-4153.php?Lang=zh-tw

Q: 教師要如何開課及請領獎勵金? How do teachers offer courses and apply for the incentive?
A: 為了鼓勵教師開設EMI課程與確保EMI課程的品質,制定了EMI課程認證與品質追蹤實施要點,教師需按照規定提供相關的資料與填寫表單,並經過課程委員會三級三審和全英語課程推動暨諮詢委員會會議通過,始能認列EMI課程並於學年度末請領獎勵金。詳細規定請參考: https://emi.csmu.edu.tw/p/405-1057-56784,c4159.php?Lang=zh-tw

In order to promote the offering of EMI courses by teachers and maintain their quality, we have introduced the 【EMI Course Quality Assurance and Review Procedure】. Teachers are expected to furnish necessary details and fill out forms in compliance with the guidelines. The courses will undergo a thorough three-review evaluations by the three-level Curriculum Committees (affiliated department, college, and the school) and final approval by the【EMI Course Promotion and Advisory Committee】. Upon meeting these criteria, the courses will be officially recognized as EMI courses, making teachers eligible for the end-of-year incentive. More information on the specific regulations:  https://emi.csmu.edu.tw/p/405-1057-56784,c4159.php?Lang=zh-tw

Q: 學生修習EMI課程有什麼獎勵? What scholarships are there for students taking EMI courses?
A: 為鼓勵學生修讀EMI課程,依據中山醫學大學學生修讀全英語課程獎勵辦法【修正後】,修讀EMI課程全勤並學期成績及格達該課程前50%的大學部學生,可獲得核給2,000點(實際金額依照當年度預算調整)。獎勵金於每學年度第二學期結束前核發放,經費來源由教育部大專校院學生雙語化學習計畫經費支應。

The updated regulation of Student Scholarship for EMI Couse Learning at Chung Shan Medical University aim to motivate students to enroll in EMI courses. Undergraduate students who successfully complete EMI courses and earn a passing grade within the top 50% of the class are eligible for a scholarship of 2,000 points. The scholarship amount may vary based on the annual budget. This financial aid is distributed before the end of the second semester each academic year and is supported by the Ministry of Education's BEST program, which promotes bilingual education in higher education.

Q: 我要如何知道哪些是EMI課程呢? How can I find out which courses are EMI courses?
A: 每學年度的全英文與EMI課程列表會公告在EMI中心網站上供同學參考: https://emi.csmu.edu.tw/p/412-1057-4155.php?Lang=zh-tw。本校全英文課程指的是使用英文上課的非專業課程,包含EGP (English for General Purpose)、EAP (English for Academic Purpose)與ESP (English for Specific Purpose)課程。而EMI課程則為全英文授課之各系所專業課程。

The annual list of courses taught in English and EMI courses is available on the EMI Center website for students to access. Courses taught in English encompass non-specialized/general levels of classes taught in English, such as EGP (English for General Purpose), EAP (English for Academic Purpose), and ESP (English for Specific Purpose) courses. EMI courses, on the other hand, are specialized classes/ or professional courses conducted entirely in English across different departments. You can find more information on the courses at: https://emi.csmu.edu.tw/p/412-1057-4155.php?Lang=zh-tw.

Q: EMI中心有哪些免費英語學習資源可以使用? What free English learning resources are available at the EMI Center?
A: 目前EMI中心設有MyET英語檢定資訊網,提供同學練習雅思口說、TOEFL口說、學術簡報英語以及大學全英語課堂用語。也有LiveABC英語檢定資源網提供同學練習雅思IELTS Listening和Reading題庫。同學們可搭配語言中心英檢資源增強英語能力。各資源介紹請參考: https://emi.csmu.edu.tw/p/405-1057-59718,c4186.php?Lang=zh-tw

The EMI Center currently provides access to the MyET software, offering students practice opportunities for IELTS speaking, TOEFL speaking, academic presentation English, and university English classroom language. Additionally, the LiveABC software is available for students to practice IELTS Listening and Reading question banks. By utilizing these resources alongside the Language Center's English learning tools, students can improve their English skills. For more information on each resource, please visit: https://emi.csmu.edu.tw/p/405-1057-59718,c4186.php?Lang=zh-tw.

Q: EMI中心有補助Coursera線上課程費用嗎? Does the EMI Center subsidize the costs of Coursera online courses?
A: 為鼓勵本校學生選修國外頂尖大學 Coursera 線上課程,本中心設有【Coursera課程學生自費線上學習獎助學金申請辦法】。補助修習可抵免各院系所認可之Coursera非中文授課之選修課程。同學們只要持一年內Verified Certificate (官方課程通過證明)並完成系所抵免程序,即可持證明至EMI中心申請獎勵。每人每學年以申請1 門課程為限,不得重複申請。每門課獎助學金新台幣2,000 元。詳細辦法請參閱https://emi.csmu.edu.tw/p/405-1057-62804,c4159.php?Lang=zh-tw

The EMI Center has introduced the【Coursera Financial Aid】 to motivate students to enroll in Coursera online courses from leading international universities. This financial support is specifically for non-Chinese elective courses on Coursera that are approved for academic credit by the student's departments. Eligible students must have a Verified Certificate obtained in the past year and have completed the credit recognition process of their department to qualify for the aid. Students can apply for one course per academic year, and multiple applications for the same course are not permitted. The aid provides NT$2,000 per course.

Q: 學生或系所想要舉辦全英語相關活動的話要如何申請? If students or departments want to organize activities to promote English learning environment, how can they apply?
A: 為了在校園營造良好的英語學習氛圍,制定了學生社團與系所單位辦理EMI活動補助辦法,EMI中心每學期定期公告,請於規定的時間內提出申請,將由EMI中心審核並提供補助讓活動順利舉辦。詳細規定請參考: https://emi.csmu.edu.tw/p/405-1057-58244,c4159.php?Lang=zh-tw

In order to create a supportive atmosphere for learning English on campus, we have set up a regulation for student clubs and departmental units to plan activities related to English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI). These guidelines are announced by the EMI Center every semester. Make sure to apply within the given deadline. The EMI Center will assess the applications and offer financial support to help carry out the activities effectively. For more specific rules, please check: https://emi.csmu.edu.tw/p/405-1057-58244,c4159.php?Lang=zh-tw

Q: EMI中心有辦理英文檢定嗎? Does the EMI Center conduct English proficiency tests?
A: 教育部所開發的【培力英檢】特別提供各校112-113學年度免費檢定名額。本中心與培力英檢開發單位合作,依照教育部的政策不定期舉辦培力英檢,每梯次報考人數達80人以上即可在本校舉辦考試,不需到台北應試。大學部同學通過培力英檢B級以上(聽力與閱讀都達標)即可登錄本校英文畢業門檻。請同學再特別注意本中心公告。

The Ministry of Education has created the "BEST English Proficiency Test" and is providing complimentary test slots for the academic years 112-113. The EMI Center is working in partnership with the test developers to administer the BEST English Proficiency Test in accordance with the Ministry's guidelines. If there are 80 or more applicants per session, the test may be held at our school, removing the need to travel to Taipei for the exam. Students pursuing an undergraduate degree who achieve a Level B or higher on the BEST English Proficiency Test (meeting the criteria in both listening and reading) can have this count towards fulfilling the English graduation requirement at our school. It is important to stay informed about updates from the EMI Center.