
全英語授課指引(EMI Guidelines)

本指引歸納自英國文化協會(British Council)與英國牛津大學全英語授課培訓(Oxford EMI Training)專家學者諮詢會之建議,係以學術研究與國外實務推動經驗為基礎,包括定義、教學目的、教學方法與基礎能力要求三大面向,供學校推動雙語化學習計畫參考,學校仍可視實際需求彈性調整教學規劃,不以本指引為限。
This guideline concludes professionals’ recommendation from British Council and Oxford EMi Training. It is based on academic research and practical experience from abroad, covering three main aspects: definitions, teaching objectives, teaching methods, and basic competency requirements. Providing college references when pursuing their own EMI plans. The schools are not obliged to the guidelines, and are free to adjust them according to their needs.



EMI(English as a Medium of Instruction 全英語授課)係指在英語非母語的教育機構(non-English speaking institutions)提供的學習課程,其內容的傳遞、師生互動、學習及學術支持教材、學習成果展示與評量100%使用英語。

1. The Operating definition of EMI
EMI involves providing instruction in institutions where English is not the primary language of communication. The content delivered, the relationship between teacher and student, the teaching materials, and the publication of results are all conducted entirely in English.

相關原則說明如下:  The principles outlined emphasize

  • 著重於語言學習而非專業學科內容之英文課程不應列為EMI課程,惟EGP(English for General Purposes 一般英語)、EAP(English for Academic Purposes 學術英文)或ESP(English for Specific Purposes專業英文)課程之重要性應予以重視,英文教師係推動EMI課程之重要支撐。換言之,大學推動EMI相關計畫時,應重視英文課程及英文教師。
    Language learning should take precedence over non-professional English lessons in EMI courses. The main focus should be on EGP (English for General Purposes), EAP (English for Academic Purposes), or ESP (English for Specific Purposes) exclusively. In these cases, English instructors play a crucial role in supporting EMI courses. Therefore, educational institutions should prioritize both English instruction and educators.
  • 就EMI課程而言,授課內容、師生互動、學生學習成效之呈現(例如口頭簡報或報告)及評量需以全英方式進行。學生間之互動在特定情況下可使用中文,例如於分組討論時得短暫使用中文以利創意發想與腦力激盪。但學生仍需以英文提出其討論成果,且當學生的英文能力有所提升或選擇更多EMI課程時,應鼓勵學生在課堂討論時更常使用英文。
    In EMI courses, it is expected that all aspects of the course, including content delivery, teacher-student communication, demonstration of student learning achievements (e.g., oral presentations or reports), and evaluation, are to be carried out exclusively in English. While student interactions may occasionally involve the use of Chinese in certain contexts, such as during group discussions to facilitate creativity and idea generation, students are mandated to present their findings and outcomes in English. Furthermore, as students enhance their English language proficiency or opt for additional EMI courses, they should be encouraged to engage more frequently in English during classroom discussions.
  • 學生在課堂使用其他語言的方式與情況應予限定,學生在分組時之互動可使用其他語言,以利彼此間的理解與創意發想。但教師仍應確保至少70%班級溝通是以英文進行。
    Students should only use languages other than English in the classroom in certain situations and for specific purposes. For example, they can use other languages to help with group work and promote mutual understanding and creativity. Nonetheless, teachers should ensure that at least 70% of classroom communication is conducted in English.
  • 高品質的EMI課程應鼓勵學生儘可能地以英文進行口說與書寫。
    High-quality EMI courses should motivate students to communicate and express themselves in English through speaking and writing as frequently as they can.


2. Instructional purpose:
The objective of the course is to develop students' proficiency in English language communication, enabling them to effectively express themselves in academic or professional contexts upon completion of their studies.


3. Teaching methods: Teachers' language awareness, group discussions among students, and the participation of international students are the three essential factors for success in EMI. In addition, suggestions for support and interaction are provided for both educators and learners.

教師語言意識:教師在教學過程必須具備高度的語言意識(language awareness),瞭解當下使用語言為英語而非中文,以同理心、學習者中心的角度進行教學。

Teachers’ language awareness: Educators should possess a strong level of language awareness, recognizing the importance of utilizing English rather than Chinese in their instruction. They should approach their teaching with empathy and consider the perspective of their audience.


Student group discussion: In the teaching process, make sure to allocate enough time for student group discussions, encourage discussions in English (with the possibility of using Chinese if needed, but presentations must be done in English), enhance student engagement, and improve the effectiveness of teaching.


International students anticipation: Bringing in international students to participate in teaching or classes increases the diversity of students and can facilitate discussions in English, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of EMI.


Enhanced Support Measures: When making contributions to EMI, it is crucial to provide additional help with English education, such as providing support for EAP to help students learn effectively and maintain the same level of efficiency as in their Chinese lessons.


English Language Specialists: English teachers are essential in supporting the promotion of English as EMI. While English courses may not fall under the EMI category, courses like English for Academic Purposes (EAP) or English for Specific Purposes (ESP) are valuable in this regard. Schools can help English teachers work with subject-specific teachers to create EAP/ESP courses that enhance students' English skills and professional abilities.


Principle of clear articulation: The beginning of the class should establish the main principles of the lecture, such as the rules for English communication between teachers and students, guidelines for group discussions, reports, and assignments. Clearly outlining these guidelines from the start helps students understand and adopt a positive approach to learning.


Positive learning atmosphere: In EMI, the language used for communication is not limited to just English. It is important for the course to establish a supportive learning atmosphere in order to prevent any form of oppression towards both teachers and students, as this can hinder the teaching and learning process.


Peer Classroom Observation and Feedback: Schools could implement peer classroom observation as a way to offer support and feedback on teaching practices, rather than focusing on supervision or performance evaluation. The aim is to create a supportive environment for teachers to help each other improve their teaching skills.


教師 Teachers: 教師具備CEFR B2等級的說寫聽讀能力,是EMI的基本條件,以確保在課堂上能清楚教授專業知識,並流暢地與學生進行互動討論。
Teachers must have a CEFR B2 level in Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening to effectively communicate with students and deliver professional knowledge during classes. This requirement ensures that instructors can fluently interact with students.

學生 Students:

掌握起點能力: 學校應在學生入學時即掌握其英語能力之評估,一方面有助瞭解能力成長變化,另方面可作為教學分班或分組之參考。

Assess Initial Proficiency: Schools should assess students' English proficiency upon enrollment to track their progress and use the results for organizing students into appropriate classes or groups.

學科領域差異: 一般而言,學生具備CEFR B2等級的能力,是EMI課程有效學習的起點,但依據學科領域略有差異,以理工學科撰寫實驗報告與人文學科撰寫申論報告為例,二者在說寫聽讀的能力要求上可能有所不同,課程規劃時可視情形彈性調整。

Disciplinary Differences: Students who have a CEFR B2 level of proficiency are typically seen as having a solid foundation for successful learning in EMI courses. However, the expectations may vary slightly depending on the academic field. For example, in science and engineering fields, students might be required to write lab reports, whereas in humanities subjects, they may need to compose essays. The criteria for speaking, writing, listening, and reading abilities could differ between these disciplines. Hence, when designing courses, it is important to be adaptable and take into account the specific context.

放寬學習門檻鼓勵修習並輔以支持系統: 為了讓學生有更多機會培養專業的英語溝通能力,在學校提供完備的學習協助措施下,可適度放寬上述CEFR B2的學習門檻,開放學生嘗試全英語學習的可能性。並應同時提供學生英語能力提升及修讀EMI之充分語言及專業學習支持系統與資源。

Lowering the learning threshold and equipped with support system: In order to enhance students' professional English communication skills, schools can consider slightly lowering the CEFR B2 learning requirement, giving students the chance to fully immerse themselves in English learning. Schools should also offer robust language and professional development support systems and resources to assist students in enhancing their English proficiency while taking EMI courses.