
雙語化學習計畫(Bilingual Education Project)


        因應全球化與國際化的趨勢,擁有與國際溝通的能力已然成為與世界接軌、提升國家競爭力的必備關鍵,而英語為當前全球主要的共通語言,英語力的養成已成為非英語系國家的重視課題。對此,政府致力於提升國民英語能力,透過跨部會研討,積極規劃、推動相關政策,以2030年為目標,將台灣打造為雙語國家,培育雙語專業人才、營造大學國際化環境、推動「全英語授課」(English as a Medium of Instruction,即EMI),深化國家人才與產業的競爭力,拓展國際視野。

1. About bilingual
    In response to globalization and internationalization, it is critical to possess international communication skills to raise the country’s competitive edge. Given that English is the predominant global language, developing proficiency in English has become a significant focus for non-English-speaking nations. The government is dedicated to improving the English skills of its citizens. By engaging in discussions across ministries, strategic planning, and the implementation of policies, Taiwan is striving to achieve its aim of becoming a bilingual nation by 2030. This effort involves nurturing bilingual professionals, establishing more international university environments, promoting English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI), boosting the competitiveness of local talents and industries, and expanding global perspectives.


    In December 2018, the Executive Yuan sanctioned the "2030 Bilingual Nation Policy Development Blueprint" as proposed by the National Development Council. This blueprint focuses on two primary policy goals: fostering English proficiency among the populace and bolstering national competitiveness. It advocates for a bilingual policy framework based on four key principles:

  • Enhancing English skills for all citizens to meet the demand.
  • Utilizing digital technology to equalize resources between urban and rural areas.
  • Maintaining a bilingual policy while promoting the development of native cultures.
  • Providing competitive advantages for the younger generation in talent competitions.

    In contrast to past bilingual policies, the "2030 Bilingual Nation Policy Development Blueprint" prioritizes demand-side factors in crafting effective measures. Each ministry is tasked with proposing solutions aligned with its specific targets, with a focus on creating a comprehensive bilingual policy that benefits citizens, industries, and the government. The primary strategy is to enhance the English proficiency of citizens by creating English-friendly environments on campuses and fostering a culture of English learning nationwide. To support the advancement of the bilingual national policy, the National Development Council (NDC) is working with departments within the Ministry of Education to coordinate efforts from 2021 to 2024. A budget of 10 billion NT dollars has been allocated over four years to implement diverse bilingual national strategies. These initiatives focus on integrating teaching, testing, training, and practical application to develop bilingual professionals in different fields. The goal is for Taiwan to become bilingual by 2030, giving equal emphasis to both Chinese and English. This will provide the next generation with a valuable competitive edge.



2. Goals
This plan sets a vision to enhance students' English proficiency by promoting English as the Medium of Instruction (EMI) and thereby improving overall international competitiveness. To address challenges encountered by schools, teachers, and students, the plan focuses on four key initiatives:

1. Supporting schools in gradually transitioning to English-medium instruction.
2. Developing support systems for teachers teaching in English.
3. Bringing in international educators with expertise in English instruction.
4. Implementing certification mechanisms to assess students' English learning and create English-friendly learning environments.

The project aims to cultivate students’ English language abilities, bolstering their global employability and ensuring their competitiveness in the job market, aligning with the national objective of achieving bilingual status by 2030.



3. Strategy Implementation:
The core of our strategy involves the promotion of "Higher Education in EMI" courses. Drawing from past EMI initiatives, we reviewed previous challenges and evaluated the readiness of each educational institution to support EMI programs. Presently, we are pursuing four key strategies:

  • Focused Cultivation: involves the establishment of benchmark schools and colleges with the goal of serving as exemplary models for the advancement of EMI teaching practices across different educational institutions.
  • Universal Enhancement: involves supporting non-benchmark schools or colleges in developing their own internal systems to support EMI and resources for improving student English proficiency gradually.
  • Expanding Bilingual Talents: focuses on attracting experienced international teachers who have previously taught in English-speaking environments to enhance the quality and efficacy of EMI programs in schools.
  • Resource Sharing and Inter-School Collaboration: facilitates talent recruitment, establish regional EMI resource centers, offer fully English-taught online modular courses, and create credit recognition mechanisms to build a bilingual learning environment and enhance students' English proficiency over time through inter-school collaboration and resource sharing.


     計畫分為「重點培育」及「普及提升」,由台灣已具備雙語教育能量及已有推動實務經驗之大專院校,透過獲重點培育計畫之標竿學校或學院分區設置EMI區域教學資源中心,協助未獲補助學校或資源不足學校推動 EMI課程。透過校際合作,分享課程規劃、教材編撰、教師培力、學生學習、環境建置及行政支援等之實務經驗,提升各校推動 EMI教學之意願,並有助標竿學習及典範移轉,促進台灣英語教育能量流動。

4. Blueprint Architecture    
    The plan is divided in two categories: Focused Cultivation and Universal Enhancement. Taiwan possesses the capacity to offer EMI courses and boasts colleges with relevant expertise. The implementation of an EMI regional education center within benchmark schools or colleges, as part of the focused cultivation strategy, aims to support institutions lacking financial resources in advancing their EMI education initiatives. Collaboration among schools will enable the exchange of practical insights in curriculum design, textbook creation, teacher development, student learning, environmental arrangements, and administrative backing. These shared experiences are intended to bolster schools' motivation to promote EMI instruction, facilitate the dissemination of benchmark practices, and encourage the adoption of exemplary models, thereby nurturing the proliferation of English education initiatives across Taiwan.
