【EMI教師教學成果分享】113年10月23日 MATLAB程式設計-張炎清

一、 活動重點及目的:

This session aimed to equip educators with effective EMI strategies for teaching technical courses, focusing on MATLAB programming.  

二、 活動特色及執行情形:

1. Practical Insights: Professor Chang shared methods to simplify technical terms, improve clarity, and engage students in EMI settings.  
2. Live Demonstration: A hands-on demonstration of MATLAB programming showcased effective EMI teaching techniques.  
3. Interactive Q&A: Educators exchanged ideas and discussed challenges in adapting EMI to their disciplines.  
4. Resource Sharing: Teaching materials, including lecture slides and annotated codes, were provided to participants.  

Execution: The session featured a concise presentation, live coding examples, and an interactive discussion, offering practical tools and strategies to enhance EMI teaching for technical subjects.

三、 活動之質量化指標:

參加教師人數  17 人(男7位 女10位),參與滿意度 96  %,整體滿意度李克特 5 點量表: 4.9

