【EMI教師增能工作坊】Practical Teaching Techniques for EMI Courses-EMI 教學實務技巧




在當今全球化的教育背景下,全英語授課(EMI, English as a Medium of Instruction)已成為推動學術交流與提升學生國際競爭力的關鍵途徑。為了協助教師有效應對EMI教學的挑戰,教務處EMI中心特別邀請本校應用外國語文學系的Tr. Sean Fiedel,以其豐富的跨文化教學經驗,針對台灣的教育環境,從母語教師的視角出發,分享EMI課程設計與教學策略。

In the current globalized educational landscape, teaching in English (EMI, English as a Medium of Instruction) is increasingly important for fostering academic exchange and improving students' international competitiveness. To support teachers in effectively navigating the demands of EMI teaching, the EMI center has invited Tr. Sean Fiedel from the Department of Applied Foreign Languages. With his broad cross-cultural teaching background, he will discuss EMI course design and teaching techniques tailored for Taiwan's educational setting, focusing on the perspective of native language instructors.

Date and Time: 2024/03/25,12:00-13:30

Venue: 正心樓 0937教室

Register: TMS+ (https://moocs2.csmu.edu.tw/course/2126) ,任列教師知能點數 1 點

中午備膳,茹素者請於3/22中午前至活動資訊頁面內填寫表單。A complimentary lunch will be provided for all participants. Vegetarians, please ensure to visit the EMI event information page and complete the form by 3/22 noon.